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Akashic Records FAQ's

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records, also known as your "Soul Book" or the "Universal Library," is a dimension of consciousness that holds the vibrational records of every soul and its journey throughout all lifetimes. These archives contain information about each soul's past, present, and potential future, as well as their relationships, lessons, karmic patterns, and more. The Akasha is a dimension of the highest consciousness, one that humans do not typically enter.

How does someone read my Akashic Records?

Accessing the Akashic Records requires a deep spiritual connection and the ability to tap into the higher realms of consciousness. Akashic Records readers, often trained and experienced in various spiritual modalities, serve as the conduits between the individual seeking guidance and the cosmic wisdom contained within these records. Through their intuitive abilities, they can retrieve and interpret information to provide insights, guidance, and healing.

How can Akashic Records readings benefit me?

Akashic Records readings offer a multitude of benefits for individuals seeking clarity, purpose, and direction in their lives. By accessing the energetic imprints of your soul's journey, these readings can provide profound insights into your life purpose, relationships, career choices, and personal growth opportunities.


One of the primary benefits of an Akashic Records reading is gaining a deeper understanding of yourself. Through the information contained in your records, you can uncover patterns, beliefs, and experiences that may be holding you back or influencing your decisions. This self-awareness allows you to make conscious choices and align your actions with your authentic self.

How to Prepare for an Akashic Records Reading?

  1. Prepare Your Questions: Before your reading, take some time to write down up to 3 questions or topics you’d like to explore. Prioritize them, as we may not have time to cover everything in one session. The Akashic Records have a way of revealing exactly what you need to know most right now, so we might go deep into just one topic. Trust that whatever comes through will be exactly what serves you best right now.

  2. Create a sacred space: Choose a peaceful, comfortable space where you can fully relax during the reading. Clear away any distractions and, if you like, create a sacred ambiance by lighting candles, burning incense, or performing a simple ritual to invite calm and focus.

  3. Ground and center yourself: Before the reading, take a few moments to ground and center yourself. You can take deep breaths, visualize yourself rooted to the earth, or engage in a grounding meditation. This will help you be present and open to receiving information from the Akashic Records.

  4. Maintain an open mind and heart: Practice letting go of any expectations or attachments to specific outcomes. When you approach with an open mind and heart, you allow the wisdom of the Akashic Records to come through in the way that serves your highest good. Let go of any preconceived ideas and trust that the guidance you receive will be exactly what you need, even if it’s not what you anticipated. This openness creates space for greater clarity and meaningful insights.

By following these preparation steps, you can create a supportive environment for your Akashic Records reading and enhance your overall experience.

What to Expect During an Akashic Records Reading?

During an Akashic Records reading, the reader will enter a meditative state and connect with the energetic realm of the Akashic Records. They will then access the information specific to your soul's journey and provide insights, guidance, and answers to your questions.


The reading typically begins with an opening prayer or invocation to establish a sacred space and invite divine guidance. The reader may then ask for your full name and any other relevant personal information to help establish a connection with your energetic signature.


Once the connection is established, the reader will access the information stored within your Akashic Records and relay the insights and guidance received. This may involve recounting past-life experiences, identifying karmic patterns, providing guidance on current challenges, or offering suggestions for personal growth and healing.


The reader may also use various tools or techniques to facilitate the reading, such as oracle cards, crystals, or intuitive channeling. These additional tools can enhance the clarity and depth of the information received.

Throughout the session, it is important to actively listen, ask questions for clarification if needed, and engage in a dialogue with the reader. This allows for a deeper exploration of the information and ensures that you fully understand the insights and guidance provided.


At the end of the reading, the reader will usually close the session with a prayer or affirmation, expressing gratitude for the guidance received and sealing the energetic connection to the Akashic Records.

How often should I have an Akashic Records reading?


The frequency of Akashic Records readings is a personal choice. Some individuals may benefit from regular readings, while others may find that occasional sessions are sufficient. Trust your intuition and schedule readings as you feel guided.

Can I change my Akashic Records?

Yes, you have the power to shape your Akashic Records through your choices, actions, and intentions. The records are not fixed or unchangeable. As you evolve and grow, your records reflect the shifts and transformations you undergo.

Can I access my Akashic Records on my own?


Yes, with practice and dedication, it is possible to access your Akashic Records on your own. However, it requires a deep spiritual connection, intuitive abilities, and a disciplined practice of meditation and self-reflection. Many individuals choose to work with experienced Akashic Records readers to receive guidance and support. Keep an eye out for our upcoming group and courses!


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